If you know the expression “fake it till you make it,” you will understand the importance of having confidence in your job search. Self-assurance during the interview process is a sales technique that will help you land the job. If you conduct yourself with an air of self-confidence, the interviewer will know you believe in yourself and they’ll be more likely to believe in you, too. Here’s how to pull this off. 

What is Self-Confidence and How Can You Project it During an Interview 

Interview self-confidence is the process of believing that you have the skills needed to pull off the job. Your goal is to project that you have the skills over everyone else interviewing so the interviewer will pick you.  

But what is self-confidence? Confidence is the behavior of trusting yourself and your skills. During the interview, projecting a calm sense of self-confidence will help the interviewer trust you. That trust will translate into their belief that you know what you’re doing, from a job perspective.  

When you think about exuding self-confidence, it’s very tricky because most of the time, interviewers make people very nervous. Meeting new people is always hard, but what if the interview consists of a panel of people? What if the interview is on a Zoom line and you hate video conferencing? You may be great for the job and very confident in your skills, but don’t interview well on the phone. It seems like it will take a massive effort to overcome these challenges, but really, practice makes perfect.

To perfect the perfect sense of confidence during an interview, practice these techniques: 

  • Sit up straight with your shoulders back. Good posture communicates confidence. Put your hands on the table or in your lap to convey a friendly, open attitude.  

  • Make eye contact with whoever is asking the question. Maintaining natural, steady eye contact is an easy way to project self-confidence. Practice doing this in a way that doesn’t seem like you’re staring; you can look down at your notes but always bring your eyes back to the interviewer calmly and thoughtfully. 

  • Give a solid, firm handshake. Since COVID, many organizations have discarded the traditional handshake. Follow the lead of your interviewer and respond with a fist bump or a nod—whatever they’re doing is how you should respond. 

  • Practice deep calm breathing. Nervousness creates that “fight or flight” syndrome where you’re breathing shallowly with tense muscles. Deliberately practice concentrating on how much air you’re taking in and out to help your body overcome any tension you feel. 

  • Don’t fidget or shift too much in your chair. Fidgeting equals nervousness and your goal is to never let them see you sweat.  

  • Talk slowly and calmly. If you’re given a multi-point question, it’s okay to take it one point at a time. You can even jot down a note or two to help you hit all the points. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification, either.  

  • Be as physically polished as possible, with pressed professional attire. Dressing the part will help you appear more confident and ready to take on the world. 

Self-confidence comes from a mental attitude of thinking positively about yourself. To get yourself in the right headspace, you may want to listen to your favorite song before the interview. Practice your interview answers as much as possible. Do your research into the company and come prepared with a lot of questions about the position. All of these steps will help you feel more prepared. Taking a good long walk before the interview can help calm your nerves. 

People Plus can help you find your dream job. Call on us to talk about how your skills match and how you can project more self-confidence during your next interview. 

May 21, 2021 By Amy Sanderson